Frontal wigs and Closure Wigs are two wig options that will continue to cause debates amongst wig lovers. While both Wigs are great options depending on the quality and type you buy, many will compare. You may have a lot of confusion about the reasons for such comparisons but it is very common. In this article, our goal is to compare the differences between Frontal and Closure Wigs. This will give you the right idea of the wig to choose from.

Frontal Wigs are common

Frontal wigs give you a lot of buying flexibility. You have many options, shapes, sizes, and brands of this wig type. A good example is the 613 frontal wig for people who love blonde hair.

They are also the most rampant of all wig options, as they are available in quite a number of stores. You get to choose from a frontal wig based on your preference and tiny details.

In the case of a Closure wig, you have a bit of limitation when it comes to options to choose from. However, you have the liberty to style your lace closure in different methods.

Closure Wigs have limitations in sizes

The main goal of a lace closure wig is to act as an extension to an existing wig. Hence, it always has a regular shape. The main type of Closure Wigs come in 4×4 sizes. This can be limiting as wig lovers usually prefer to wear longer Wigs.

With the lace frontal wig, you have three options, which include;

  • 4×4
  • 13×4
  • 13×6

These lengths vary and help you enjoy your wig more by flaunting its beauty through the length. This is one advantage that the frontal wigs enjoy over the closure Wigs.

Closure wig will last longer

There is no real scientific explanation behind why closure Wigs last longer than frontal Wigs, but this is always the case.

We can assume that the use of the wig determines its lifespan. But if you use a frontal wig and a closure wig at the same time optimally, the closure wig will usually last longer.

It is every woman’s dream to have a wig that stands the test of time.

Closure Wigs will save you more money

Pricing is an important factor when comparing wig options. With pricing, the comparison between closure wigs and frontal will put the closures in more favor. These wigs are usually cheaper than the frontal options.

Closure requires less maintenance

The length of a Closure wig is not so long, hence there are fewer wrinkles. But with a frontal wig, you will need to maintain it more frequently.


Choosing between a frontal wig and a closure wig can be a hard task. It usually depends on your preference. However, the best way to make the right choice is by speaking to your hairstylist. Your hairstylist has an idea of the best hair choices for you. And since your beauty is an elevation of their expertise, they always want to work wonders on your hair. In this guide, we have explained some slight differences between Closure Wigs and Frontal Wigs.


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